Air Force- X Group stands for Technical Trade in Air Force. On the basis of the performance in the Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) at Basic Training Institute, Belgaum specific trades are allotted to the successful candidates. Basic combatant training is imparted to all the recruits, which includes basic discipline and manners, educational training, weapon training etc. After successful completion of basic training, candidates will be trained in specific trades. PT, Parade and games are integral parts of the training and service life. Nature of job an airman is expected to perform in Group “X” is given below. However, depending on service requirements, an airman may be assigned other jobs as required by his superior authorities and exigencies of service.
Automobile Fitter:
In this trade, you are responsible for the maintenance and repair of all types of light and heavy-duty mechanical vehicles, cranes and loading equipment etc.
Electronics Fitter:
As an Electronics Fitter, you operate and maintain Radar, Voice, and Data transmission and reception equipment mounted on the latest airborne weapon delivery systems and ground-based air defence systems. You will get trained in Digital Electronics, measuring instruments, radar technology, latest electronic devices, and related trade fundamentals.
Electrical Fitter:
You will maintain the power supply system of the latest types of aircraft, airborne missiles, and associated ground systems. You will also maintain photo equipment mounted on airborne weapon systems and operate ground-based photosystems. You will get trained in the electrical trade, operation, and maintenance of digital devices, electronic devices etc.
Mechanical System Fitter:
You will repair and maintain mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems of airborne missiles, engines, automobiles and aircraft fuelling equipment. Complete aircraft ground support equipment will also be repaired and maintained by you. You will be trained in handling and preparation of bombs and explosives and in the electrical systems, workshop, and mechanical trades as well as automobile mechanics.
Structures Fitter:
As Structure Fitter, you are responsible for the maintenance and servicing of airframes and their accessories, components, and controls of aircraft. Regular checks for the entire hydraulic and pneumatic system to ensure proper functioning against leaks are also part of your duties. You will also be assigned the responsibility of marshaling, parking, picketing and ground handling of aircraft.
Propulsion Fitter:
In this trade, you will repair, maintain and prepare for use the propulsion system of aircraft and other airborne weapon delivery systems.
Workshop Fitter (Smith):
You will undertake major structural repairs of all aircraft at central repair facilities. You will also be trained in workshop trade for material treatment, welding, heat treatment, smithy, and basic machine tools etc.
Workshop Fitter (Mechanical):
You will undertake repair and maintenance work of mechanical nature. You will be trained in workshop trade and practices.
Weapon Fitter:
In this trade, you will prepare, maintain and service armaments, ammunition and safety equipment of aircraft, missiles and other weapon delivery systems. You will also operate and maintain small arms and bomb destruction equipment. You will be trained to handle bombs, explosives, arms and their installation on weapon delivery platforms.
Passed Intermediate/10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
Passed Three years Diploma Course in Engineering in any stream, as mentioned in the drop-down menu of apply online section under candidate’s login on the CASB web portal The candidate should have completed the course from a Government recognized Polytechnic institute with 50% marks in aggregate and 50 % marks in English in the diploma or in Intermediate / Matriculation if English is not subject in Diploma Course.
The selection procedure of the Air Force “X” Group consists of mainly three stages. The first stage (Phase-I) is consists of a computer-based written exam. Successful candidates of first stage i.e. successful candidates in computer-based written tests are called for Phase-II i.e. Physical Fitness Test & Adaptability Test. The third stage (Phase-III) is again for the candidates who have cleared the first two stages, in this stage shortlisted candidates after the second stage are examined medically as per the medical standards prescribed in current regulations applicable to Airman entry.
The final merit list is prepared after the medical examination. The final result of selected candidates is displayed on the Indian Air Force website. Joining instructions are sent to students based on vacancies available as per the merit list.
Air Force “X” Group is a Computer-based Examination.
- The question paper will be computer-based with a total of 75 questions, each carrying 01 marks.
- The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type (multiple-choice).
- The question paper will comprise of three sections i.e. English, Science, and Mathematics.
- The standard of the question paper will be that of 10+2 and the syllabus for the examination is available on the website The duration of examination will be one hour.
- The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate. The Air Force reserves the right to determine the pass marks in each Section and in aggregate.
- Penalty for Wrong Answer. Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the question paper. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
- Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory for selection.
- PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 6.5 minutes, 20 squat ups (Uthak Baithak) and 10 Push-ups.
For Group ‘X’ all candidates who pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) will have to undertake Adaptability Test-1 (objective type written test) which is to assess the suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.
All candidates who pass Adaptability Test -1 will have to undertake Adaptability Test-2 as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-2 is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of the Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life
Phase – III
Candidates who qualify Adaptability Test-2 will be issued with medical appointment letters at respective ASCs. It can also be downloaded under the candidate’s login on CASB web portal for their medical examination at designated Medical Board Centre (MBC) on a specified date. Medical Examination will be conducted by Air Force Medical Team as per IAF medical standards and policy in vogue on the subject issue.
Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Motion o System of Particles and Rigid Body/ Gravitation
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity
Magnetic Effect of Current and magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves
Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Atomic Nucleus/ Solid and Semi-Conductor Devices, Principles of Communication
Metals and Non-Metals, Organic Chemistry, Food, Nutrition and Health, Physiology and Human Diseases, Computer Science
Relations and Functions, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Quadratics Equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry
Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight Lines Family of Straight Lines, Circles
Conic Section, Permutations and Combinations, Vectors, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Sets and Set Theory, Statistics
Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry, Probability Function, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Derivatives
Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Determinants, Definite Integrals
Passage, Preposition, Correction of sentences, Change active to passive/ passive to active voice
Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct, Verbs/Tense/Non Finites, Punctuation
Substituting phrasal verbs for expression, Synonyms and Antonyms, Meanings of difficult words
Use of adjective, Compound preposition, Determiners (use of a, the, any etc.), Use of pronouns
Results of the Air Force “X” Group written exam is declared in 1-2 months after the written exam. The same can be viewed on . Being a competitive exam and there is no fixed cut off percentage for passing. Candidates who perform better are sent the call letters for Phase-II. The final merit list is prepared after the Phase-II and Phase-III, the final result is displayed on the Indian Air Force website. Joining instructions are sent to students based on vacancies available as per the merit list.